Frequently asked questions
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Podback and the services we provide
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You can find out how to recycle with Podback by using our Recycle Checker.
Tell us what pods you are using and your postcode, and our interactive map will show the ways to recycle in your local area. This will include local supermarkets, coffee shops and council recycling centres.
Click on your chosen location for details on how to recycle.
Click here to get started.
Use the touch screen on the toYou drop-box to choose Podback from the A-Z list of brands.
Select either 'Podback Plastic' or 'Podback Aluminium'
You will be asked to confirm that your bag is correctly sealed. Please press Y to confirm.
The machine will then print your returns label.
Stick the label on your bag, and then place your bag in the unit.
If you have any problems with the unit, or there is no drop-box at your chosen Asda, please take your bag to the Customer Services kiosk. The Asda team will be able to generate your label using their hand-hand toYou terminal.
Podback collects aluminium and plastic beverage pods. They are recycled in the UK, so your pod doesn’t have to travel far to become something new.
The pods are first shredded to remove the coffee and then the aluminium and plastic are reprocessed and used in the manufacture of new products.
The coffee grounds are sent for anaerobic digestion, a process that creates renewable energy (biogas) and soil improver.
The Podback bags are also recycled.
Click here to watch our video following the recycling journey of your coffee pods
If you generated a Yodel returns label before 17th March 2025 it can still be used.
Please drop off your Podback bag as soon as possible, and before 31st March. After this date your label's bar code will not work.
You will be able to drop your pods off at another local drop off point.
Please use the Recycle Checker to find an alternative recycling point.
You can find more details on our recent changes to the drop-off service on our news page: click here
To use drop-off point at a supermarket you will need to use a Podback bag.
These are available to order from your pod brand’s online shop, from your barista at Costa Coffee in Tesco*, at the customer services desks in Morrisons supermarkets and online at
You can also create an account with Podback and order bags from us.
Use our Recycle Checker to find your nearest local drop-off point. Click on your chosen location to find out how to recycle and how to get a bag.
Click here to get started
You do not need a Podback bag to recycle at your local council recycling centre.
Just save your pods in any bag or container. If you use both aluminium and plastic pods, please keep these separate. When you’re ready to recycle simply tip your pods loose into the relevant Podback container at the recycling centre.
*For a limited period only
It is important that aluminium and plastic pods are not mixed, as they are recycled at different sites. This is why the Podback bags for each material are different colours: white for aluminium and green for plastic.
If you are not sure what material your pod is made from you can check on the packaging for details, or complete our Recycle Checker and that will identify the correct bag that you need to recycle.
Different brands of pods that are made of the same material can be recycled in the same bag; it is the aluminium and plastic pods that need to be kept separate.
To update your address please log-in to your account, and click 'Close my account'.
You can then create an account with your new details.
If you have any problems with this process please Click here to contact us
The Podback Service
Podback is building a nationwide network of drop-off points, to make pod recycling easy and convenient for consumers.
The drop-off service is available at supermarkets and local authority recycling centres. We are also working with a number of local authorities to offer Podback as part of their kerbside waste and recycling service.
Our interactive map shows local supermarkets and council recycling centres where you can drop-off your pods. Depending on the type of drop-off location you choose you may need to get a Podback recycling bag. Click on your chosen location for details on how to recycle at that location, and for details on how to get your bags.
If your Council provides Podback as part of a kerbside recycling service you will be able to sign up for this once you have entered your details in the Recycle Checker.
Click here to use the Recycle Checker and view the interactive map.
We are continually working to expand the number of locations where you can drop off your Podback bags, so please keep checking back on this site, and follow us on social media; as your nearest recycling point may have changed.
To use drop-off point at a supermarket you will need to use a Podback bag.
These are available to order from your pod brand’s online shop, from your barista at Costa Coffee in Tesco*, at the customer services desks in Morrisons supermarkets and online at
You can also create an account with Podback and order bags from us.
Use our Recycle Checker to find your nearest local drop-off point. Click on your chosen location to find out how to recycle and how to get a bag.
Click here to get started
You do not need a Podback bag to recycle at your local council recycling centre.
Just save your pods in any bag or container. If you use both aluminium and plastic pods, please keep these separate. When you’re ready to recycle simply tip your pods loose into the relevant Podback container at the recycling centre.
*For a limited period only
Currently, our focus is on making pod recycling easy and convenient for households across the UK.
However, we are looking at ways that we could offer our service to businesses and are in active discussions with potential partners.
You can find out how to recycle with Podback by using our Recycle Checker.
Tell us what pods you are using and your postcode, and our interactive map will show the ways to recycle in your local area. This will include local supermarkets, coffee shops and council recycling centres.
Click on your chosen location for details on how to recycle.
Click here to get started.
Currently, Podback is only available within the UK, including Northern Ireland.
However, we are not currently able to offer the service in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
Podback collects and recycles plastic and aluminium beverage pods sold by our member brands, this includes coffee, tea, milk and hot chocolate pods.
Over 80% of pods sold in the UK can be recycled through Podback.
You can use our Recycle Checker to see if your favourite pod brand is a member of the service. If they're not listed, why not get in touch and suggest they join us?
To find out more about the Podback member brands please click here.
My Podback Account
Yes, you can. It is important that the plastic and aluminium pods are collected separately, as they are sent to different locations within the UK to be recycled.
If your household regularly uses both aluminium and plastic pods, the easiest option is to create two accounts, one for plastic and one for aluminium, using different email addresses. You can then order the appropriate bags when needed.
If you change your machine or the brand of pod you use, you can log into your online account and select 'Edit your coffee preferences' so that you receive the correct bags in future.
To update your address please log-in to your account, and click 'Close my account'.
You can then create an account with your new details.
If you have any problems with this process please Click here to contact us
In-store drop-off
To use drop-off point at a supermarket you will need to use a Podback bag.
Podback bags are available to order from your pod brand’s online shop, at the customer services desks in Morrisons supermarkets and online at
You can also create an account with Podback and order bags from us.
Use our Recycle Checker to find your nearest in-store drop-off point, click on your chosen location to get more information on how to get your bags.
Click here to get started
Use the touch screen on the toYou drop-box to choose Podback from the A-Z list of brands.
Select either 'Podback Plastic' or 'Podback Aluminium'
You will be asked to confirm that your bag is correctly sealed. Please press Y to confirm.
The machine will then print your returns label.
Stick the label on your bag, and then place your bag in the unit.
If you have any problems with the unit, or there is no drop-box at your chosen Asda, please take your bag to the Customer Services kiosk. The Asda team will be able to generate your label using their hand-hand toYou terminal.
Currently it is only possible to pick up and drop off Podback bags at selected branches of Costa Coffee, including all Costa in Tesco cafes.
You can find details of which cafes are involved here
It is important that aluminium and plastic pods are not mixed, as they are recycled at different sites. This is why the Podback bags for each material are different colours: white for aluminium and green for plastic.
If you are not sure what material your pod is made from you can check on the packaging for details, or complete our Recycle Checker and that will identify the correct bag that you need to recycle.
Different brands of pods that are made of the same material can be recycled in the same bag; it is the aluminium and plastic pods that need to be kept separate.
Yodel returns
We have listened to feedback from our recyclers, who asked for more options to recycle their pods to fit with their regular routines. Our nationwide drop-off network gives recyclers a choice of ways to recycle, for example as part of a trip to the supermarket or local recycling centre.
The drop-off services don't require labels to be generated in advance, and not all require a Podback bag.
These changes will enable more people to recycle with Podback and help to reduce the Carbon impact of the service, as recycling pods can be part of an existing journey.
You can read more about our recent changes to the drop-off service in our blog: Click here
Please follow the instructions on the map screen.
If you have any problems please contact the Podback Customer Services team for assistance, providing your postcode.
If you generated a Yodel returns label before 17th March 2025 it can still be used.
Please drop off your Podback bag as soon as possible, and before 31st March. After this date your label's bar code will not work.
You will be able to drop your pods off at another local drop off point.
Please use the Recycle Checker to find an alternative recycling point.
You can find more details on our recent changes to the drop-off service on our news page: click here
Local council collections
Please use our Recycle Checker to find out if there is a Podback household collection service in your local authority area, and how to get your free bags.
You will receive two rolls of Podback bags (26 bags) by post, along with an instruction leaflet. These should arrive within 7 working days.
Once you have filled your bag to the dotted line, securely tie the bag handles and put it out for collection according to your local council instructions. These can be found on the leaflet, or on the Podback page on the council's website.
Please help your crews by making sure the bags are clearly visible, securely tied and not overflowing.
You can log in to your Podback account and order more bags.
If you originally signed up for Podback before January 2023: Podback no longer automatically sends out recycling bags. Please use our recycle checker and follow the instructions to create your account.
Some local authorities do accept pods at their local household waste and recycling centres. The Recycle Checker will tell you if this is available in your area, and provide instructions on how to recycle.
We are working to increase the number of local authority recycling centres where you can recycle with Podback, so please keep checking back to find out if this service becomes available.
Please only use the bags you are supplied with for the kerbside recycling service. The drop-off bags have been designed to withstand the various stages of the logistics system from drop-off to the reprocessor. This is not a requirement for household collections provided through local authorities.
Please use our Recycle Checker to find out if the household collection service is available in your area, and follow the steps to order your free Podback recycling bags.
If you have received a Podback bag with a new machine or pod order, or have recently changed from Drop-Off to household collections, your local authority will accept the drop-off bag as a one-off; but we ask you to sign up for the household collections so you can put out the correct bags in future.
If you put any other non-Podback bag out for kerbside collection it will not be picked up by your Council.
If you have a large number of Drop-Off bags which you now don't need, why not pass them on to a friend or family member and encourage them to recycle with Podback?
Please contact your local council's waste and recycling team to notify them of any missed collections.
Details of local councils offering Podback collections at Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) can be found here.
No Podback bags are required to recycle at the Recycling Centres. You can save pods in any bag or container.
- Please save aluminium and plastic pods separately so that they can be sent to the correct recycling plant.
- At the Recycling Centre there will be clearly marked Podback containers. Tip your pods loose into the relevant container.
- Please do not put plastic bags or pod packaging in with your pods, either reuse it or ask Recycling Centre staff how to recycle soft plastics.
Costa Coffee Trial 2024
Podback and Costa Coffee are currently trialling a service where customers will be able to pick up a Podback bag from their barista, and drop filled Podback bags back for recycling.
We hope that the trial will be extended to more Costa cafes later in the year.
Podback’s service is funded by most, but not all, coffee pod brands sold in the UK. This includes Costa Coffee pods for Nespresso, Tassimo and NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machines.
Plese click here for a full list of Podback member brands.
We are currently trialling the Podback service in selected branches of Costa Coffee. We'll review the customer feedback and insights we receive, in addition to the number of pods collected, to help evaluate its success.
Currently it is only possible to pick up and drop off Podback bags at selected branches of Costa Coffee, including all Costa in Tesco cafes.
You can find details of which cafes are involved here
Yes, you can still hand in the red Costa capsule recycling bags at any Costa Coffee store, including the ones participating in the Podback trial.
You can find details of Costa Coffee stores participating in the Podback trial here:
Please only use either a Costa or a Podback pod recycling bag to return your pods for recycling. You can ask your barista for a bag.
Please only use a Podback bag to save your pods. Your barista will not be able to accept pods in other bags.
The aluminium and plastic pods are recycled at different sites, and so the different coloured bags help to easily identify the pods so they go to the correct recycling facility.
Please fill the bag to the dotted line, and follow the instructions to drain and seal your bag before bringing it back for recycling.
Podback bags
Podback collects aluminium and plastic coffee pods for recycling. The Podback bags for aluminium pods are white and the plastic pod recycling bags are green.
Aluminium and plastic pods are recycled at different sites, so the different coloured bags help collection crews and logistics partners to easily identify and separate the pods so that they go to the correct recycling facility.
Podback collects pods in two different collection systems: local authority collection and Drop-Off. These require two different types of bag, to ensure the pods make it through the recycling journey from your home to the recycling plant.
The drop off service sends pods for recycling through the postal/parcel system using Yodel, so the bags need to be robust enough to ensure the contents do not escape or leak during transportation. This is not a requirement of the local authority collections.
When you use our recycle checker, we ask you what type and brand of pod you use so that we can supply you with the correct recycling bags to suit your pods and details of the service available where you live.
To use drop-off point at a supermarket you will need to use a Podback bag.
These are available to order from your pod brand’s online shop, from your barista at Costa Coffee in Tesco*, at the customer services desks in Morrisons supermarkets and online at
You can also create an account with Podback and order bags from us.
Use our Recycle Checker to find your nearest local drop-off point. Click on your chosen location to find out how to recycle and how to get a bag.
Click here to get started
You do not need a Podback bag to recycle at your local council recycling centre.
Just save your pods in any bag or container. If you use both aluminium and plastic pods, please keep these separate. When you’re ready to recycle simply tip your pods loose into the relevant Podback container at the recycling centre.
*For a limited period only
It is important that aluminium and plastic pods are not mixed, as they are recycled at different sites. This is why the Podback bags for each material are different colours: white for aluminium and green for plastic.
If you are not sure what material your pod is made from you can check on the packaging for details, or complete our Recycle Checker and that will identify the correct bag that you need to recycle.
Different brands of pods that are made of the same material can be recycled in the same bag; it is the aluminium and plastic pods that need to be kept separate.
Podback uses different types of bags depending on the collection service – household collection or drop-off. The bags must be able to store used pods in your home and then must be able to withstand the demands of the journey from your household to the reprocessing plant.
Podback bags are recycled by a facility in East Yorkshire that specialises in recycling flexible plastics, such as food wrappers and films. The facility produces plastic pellets which are used in a wide range of manufacturing industries.
Please enter your details on the recycle checker, if your local council offers a Podback service you can create an account and order your free recycling bags.
Your order will include two rolls of bags (26 bags in total), which is a six month supply for a typical household.
The number of pods your Podback bag will hold depends on the brand or type of pods you use.
Please fill the recycling bag up to the dotted line.
As a guide, a Podback drop-off bag will usually hold the following:
Nespresso original/compatible pods - 120
Nespresso Vertuo Pods - 65
Tassimo T-Disks – 60
NESCAFE Dolce Gusto pods – 50
Illy Iperespresso pods – 120
There is no need to empty your pods, but please drain any remaining liquid from them before putting them in your recycling bag.
Coffee grains are removed at the recycling facility and treated by anaerobic digestion to create renewable energy (biogas) and soil improver.
Click here to watch our short film which shows how your pods are recycled
Pod recycling journey
Podback collects aluminium and plastic beverage pods. They are recycled in the UK, so your pod doesn’t have to travel far to become something new.
The pods are first shredded to remove the coffee and then the aluminium and plastic are reprocessed and used in the manufacture of new products.
The coffee grounds are sent for anaerobic digestion, a process that creates renewable energy (biogas) and soil improver.
The Podback bags are also recycled.
Click here to watch our video following the recycling journey of your coffee pods
Podback uses different types of bags depending on the collection service – household collection or drop-off. The bags must be able to store used pods in your home and then must be able to withstand the demands of the journey from your household to the reprocessing plant.
Podback bags are recycled by a facility in East Yorkshire that specialises in recycling flexible plastics, such as food wrappers and films. The facility produces plastic pellets which are used in a wide range of manufacturing industries.
Our recycling process takes place within the UK.
Aluminium pods are shredded to remove the coffee and then reprocessed in Cheshire. Plastic pods are shredded to remove the coffee and then reprocessed in Yorkshire.
Each reprocessor sends the coffee grounds to a local anaerobic digestion facility, where they are processed to become renewable energy (biogas) for the National Grid and a soil improver for local farmers.
Podback bags are also recycled by a specialist plastic film recycling company in Yorkshire.
You can watch a video of the recycling journey of your coffee pods on our YouTube channel.
Podback is passionate about creating a circular economy and we are working with our partners to ensure that all elements of the process are efficient and minimise waste as much as possible.
The Podback service helps divert coffee grounds and valuable resources which might otherwise end up in landfill or Energy from Waste.